Friday, May 24, 2013


We left at 9 AM. We arrived in Brunswick by 3, so I could have a meeting with a filmmaker who might hire me for some work on his almost-finished film. We drove past Red's 15 minutes too late to get a grilled haddock sandwich. But when we pulled into Boothbay, Bet was there, and she still had fish, and we went for it. James' first trip to Maine! Josh's first of the season! Our first trip together as a family! Josh's and my 10th anniversary! Haddock! Whoopie pies!

(I swear to god, and Josh and James can attest to this, that I wore an actual dress with an actual matching sweater all day long, and I did not look like a mis-shapen hippie with jeans under and a sweater over my dress. I sweah da gawd. But then it was getting chilly and I was getting cold, and so OF COURSE by the time we took our second family photo, there I am again. But I was warm and happy!!!) (Also, I am going to figure out how to fix this photo upload problem I am having.)


  1. Scott says, "That's fine...but are those French fries?"

  2. 10th anniversary! That's so cute! All the best to my two favorite people...

  3. It's fish and chips! But I just got a bowl of fish, cuz I'm a lightweight. And, um, maybe don't tell Scott that he's not one of your two favorite people?
